When you take your car in for auto body work, the mechanic will have a lot of work to do. Each minute that the mechanic spends prepping your car to make the repairs is money that you will owe when the repairs are finished. So, is there anything that you can do to make the mechanic's job a little easier and lower the cost of the repairs for you? This blog is all about preparing vehicles for auto body repairs. Here, you will learn what prep-work you can do at home so that the repairs are completed more quickly and the cost is less.
Driving in the winter can be even more dangerous than it is during the warm seasons. In addition to inclement weather, the cold air creates a number of other hazards for you and your vehicle. Here are three precautions every driver should take to stay as safe as possible on the road until spring.
Check the Condition of Your Tires
Adequate tire tread is imperative for your car to handle safely in snowy conditions. If the treads on your tires are overly worn, they won't be able to properly cut through snow and slush, which makes your car more likely to slip and slide. Modern tires have horizontal wear indicators between the treads so you can easily see when they've become worn out. Make sure all four of your tires aren't worn down beyond the wear indicators.
While you're at it, look for other signs of tire damage. Check the sidewalls for bulges, which indicate that the interior frame of the tire is damaged. Also check carefully for cracks in the rubber. Potholes are much more likely to form during the winter months due to ice expanding within cracks in the asphalt. If you hit a large pothole at high speeds with a damaged tire, you'll be much more likely to experience a blowout, which can cause you to lose control of your car.
Correct Your Tire Pressure
Ambient temperature affects the pressure within your tires. Air becomes denser as it gets colder, which means the air in your tires will become more compact. To keep your tires properly inflated, you'll have to add a bit of air in them as the temperature outside falls.
Check the sticker in your driver's side doorjamb or your owner's manual to find out what the suggested tire pressure is for your vehicle. Periodically check your tires throughout the winter to ensure that they're always inflated to the suggested pressure level.
Repair All Windshield Cracks
If you've been putting off getting cracks in your windshield repaired, now is the time to do it. Glass becomes more brittle when it gets colder. Even a minor crack can lead to your windshield to shattering if it's struck by debris while you're driving down the highway in the winter.
Additionally, moisture can work its way into any cracks during the day, then freeze over night. The moisture expands as it freezes, which can cause minor cracks in your windshield to spread significantly. Repairing any cracks will help you avoid these issues and save you the money of potentially having to replace your entire windshield later on in the season. Visit an auto glass repair shop before winter fully hits.